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Sancti Spiritus´ church

Igrexa Sancti Espíritu
This monumental church is the only remaining vestige of the old Convent of Sancti Spiritus of the Third Order of Saint Francis.

The pilgrimage to Santiago inspired the creation of what was to become the convent of the same name in Melide. In the 15th century, new lineages emerged or acquired a social and political significance that had not previously existed in Galicia, among them the Ulloa family, who dominated Melide throughout this century. The most notable architectural achievement of the Ulloa family in Melide was the reconstruction of the church of the convent of Sancti Spiritus in 1498, promoted by Sancho Sánchez de Ulloa. The aim was to create a religious and hospitable community, capable of welcoming pilgrims and the poor in this place, on their way to Compostela.
In the 18th century, the church was renovated and the current Baroque façade was built. The nave was enlarged with the construction of a barrel vault. An interesting piece of imagery is preserved from this period: the altarpiece of the Virgen de los Dolores. The organ dates from the 18th century. The façade and main doorway belong to the late Baroque style of Compostela. Inside, it is worth mentioning the two lateral Gothic sepulchres and its Baroque main altarpiece from the church of San Paio de Antealtares in Santiago de Compostela.
In 1835 the convent was confiscated and after being abandoned, it was converted into a parish church in 1840.

42.915383510192, -8.0165862195041


Rúa Calvo Sotelo, 5,
15800 A Coruña